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Flowers Canada Growers Privacy Policy
Privacy and personal information is an important principle to Flowers Canada Growers. Our commitment to our members and others is to respect and protect the privacy anf confidentiality of personal and business information that is entrusted to us in the course of rendering superior service to our members. It is for this reason that our Privacy Policy provides all the safeguards as standardized in the Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). It confirms our dedication to protecting privacy and maintaining the trust that individuals have placed in Flowers Canada Growers. This page provides a summary of our privacy policy
What is PIPEDA?
The PIPEDA is The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and is describes ten principles for protecting personal information. The principles are interrelated and Flowers Canada Growers (FCG) adheres to them as a whole.
What is Flowers Canada Growers Privacy Policy?
Our Privacy Policy provides all the safeguards as standardized the Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). The ten principles set out in the act are applied by Flowers Canada Growers as follows:
- Accountability
FCG is fully responsible for the maintenance and protection of the personal information it receives. Our organization has taken the following measures to ensure compliance with this privacy policy:- Developed procedures to protect personal information
- Trained our staff about our policies and practices respecting personal information
- Developed and distributed information to our staff and others explaining our policies and procedures respecting personal information
- Designated an individual responsible for maintaining compliance under the act
- Identifying Purposes
FCG will general only collect personal information for the following purposes:- To establish and maintain our membership list
- To establish and maintain our mailing lists
- Consent
FCG will only collect, use or disclose information with your fill knowledge and consent, or as otherwise permitted by the Act. However, we may disclose your personal information without your knowledge or consent under the following circumstances:- Where disclosure is required by law
- For the purpose of collecting a debt owed by you to Flowers Canada Growers
- You have the right to refuse or withdraw your consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice.
- Limiting Collection
FCG restricts the collection of personal information that is necessary for the identified purposes. - Limiting Use, Disclosure & Retention
FCG does not use person information other than those for which it was originally collected, unless it has first obtained the consent of the person from whom such information was received or if required to do so by law. FCG will only retain such information for as long as it is needed and only for the fulfillment of the purposes for which it was originally collected or as required by law - Accuracy
FCH is committed to maintaining accurate, complete and up-to-date personal information. If you are aware of changes to the personal information you have given to us, simply inform us of the changes and we will update our records accordingly. - Safeguards
FCG has developed and implemented security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the personal information kept by us. These security safeguards include:- Physical security measures such as locked cabinet storage and restricted access to areas where personal information is stored
- Internal employee security measures including restricted computer access, employee and contractor confidentiality agreements, and limited access to where personal information is stored.
- Employees are trained to know and respect our privacy policy, and compliance with our policies and procedures for protecting personal information is a condition of their employment.
- Any personal information kept by us is disposed of or destroyed once it is no longer needed to meet the purposes for which it was collected.
- Openness
FCG is pleased to provide information to our members about our policies and procedures related to the management of person information that is under our control upon request. Please forward and questions in writing or email to the address provided at the end of this document. - Individual Access
Upon written request to FCG’s Privacy Officer, a member will be informed of the existence, use and disclosure of their personal information that is under our control, and may be given access to that personal information as required and permitted by law. Individuals may challenge the accuracy and completeness of that personal information and are invited to amend the information as appropriate
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