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Flower Farmers Applaud Greenhouse Competitiveness and Innovation Announcement
For immediate release
Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. applauds the announcement of Ontario's Greenhouse Competitiveness and Innovation Initiative by Hon. Jeff Leal, Ontario's Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.
“Ontario's greenhouse growers are keen to invest in innovative technologies that will make a positive difference to the economy and the environment,” noted Ian Vermeer, President of Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. “This investment by the Ontario government will accelerate their adoption and generate opportunities to develop further ways of improving greenhouse production systems right here in Ontario.”
The $19 million dollar investment will continue to spur growth in Ontario's thriving greenhouse sector. Ontario flower farms will continue to grow and benefit Ontarians through exploring new technologies, creating jobs, protecting the environment, and supplying food for the soul for consumers across Canada.
“This announcement from Minister Leal and Premier Wynne shows the commitment from the Ontario government in encouraging growth in the Ontario greenhouse sector.” Stated Andrew Morse, Executive Director of Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. “Ontario's greenhouse flower farmers thank Minister Leal and Premier Wynne for this promising announcement.”
Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. is the provincial trade association representing flower growers across the province of Ontario. With over 200 members, FCO's mission is to enhance the competitiveness of Ontario's floriculture sector by helping members address common issues, challenges and opportunities to retain and enhance Ontario's preeminent position in the floriculture industry.
For more information please contact:
Andrew Morse, Executive Director
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