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Biosecurity Survey
This survey is being distributed on behalf of the Biosecurity Working Group of the Canadian Plant Health Council. The Council is made up of industry, academic, and provincial and federal government representatives and was formed to oversee implementation of plant health priorities identified in the Plant and Animal Health Strategy for Canada, created by both private and public sector partners.Risk management, including the use of plant health biosecurity practices, protects your farm and your profits in theory, but what kinds of measures do growers use in reality? Do you have plant health biosecurity practices in place? If so, what kinds of things do you do? If you do not, why not? We want to hear from you!
The information collected will be used to help identify tools to promote agricultural biosecurity and to guide potential future extension programs. Participation is voluntary, confidential and anonymous.
The survey was created to broadly represent all Canadian growers and should take you less than 8 minutes to complete.
Survey link: https://ca1se.voxco.com/SE/93/
We invite you to share this survey with other growers who may be interested in telling us more about their agricultural risk management practices. Please feel free to get in touch with the co-leads of the working group via their contact information shared below if you have any questions about this request.
Tanya Warren, Crop Assurance Program Specialist, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
Tanya.Warren@gov.ab.ca; 780-643-9486
Sarah Jandricic, Greenhouse Floriculture IPM Specialist, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
sarah.jandricic@ontario.ca; 905-562-4141 x106
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