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2021 FCO AGM Press Release
Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. (FCO) marked a milestone by hosting its 55th Annual General Meeting of the Members on December 1 st, 2021 virtually via the ZOOM platform. FCO’s AGM was also streamed live on YouTube with over 50 people in attendance or observing FCO’s AGM.“We were very pleased with the turnout for our 55th Annual General Meeting. FCO was especially excited to host a variety of speakers during the course of the morning’s agenda,” commented Andrew Morse, Flowers Canada (Ontario)’s Executive Director. “Attendees enjoyed a wide array of information starting with a presentation from Jack Kingma of Grant Thornton on Bill C-208, Easing Tax Burdens on Intergenerational Transfer followed by an in-depth review from Brett House, Vice President and Chief Economist from Scotiabank on Flowers Canada Economics Update: Looking ahead to 2022. Finally, Mr. Randy Pettapiece, the Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, closed the event by congratulating FCO on its longevity and success in supporting Ontario’s flower farmers and the floriculture sector.”
As part of the morning’s agenda, Andrew Morse provided a comprehensive report focusing on the past year in retrospect. Mr. Morse confirmed that as 2021 progressed, much of the Member dialogue focused on ensuring that FCO’s Members had access to the most accurate up-to-date COVID-19 information available. Advocacy at all levels also continued to be a top priority with continued emphasis on market access, crop protection products, government relations, research, human resource issues including accessing farm workers while ensuring their safety and well-being – to name a few. Andrew commented: “FCO will do its best to ensure that Ontario’s flower growers have every opportunity to grow their businesses. FCO will be here to support all members as new challenges arise.”
As part of the morning’s agenda, elections were held for a number of open positions on the FCO Board. Rodney Bierhuizen, Arielle DeBoer, Brian Gatcke, and Gina Marchionda were all re-elected for a further 2-year term. The FCO Board also welcomed a new director to the Board, Zach Redpath from Linwell Gardens. Following the AGM, the new board of directors elected a new executive committee, including Ed Vermolen as President. “I’m excited and humbled to accept the role as president for the coming year,” commented Ed. “I look forward to serving our members and helping to ensure the success of our sector”. Mr. Vermolen also expressed his gratitude to Jan Van Zanten, FCO’s former President for guiding the association through some of the sector’s most turbulent times. Jan will remain on the Board until the end of his term. Rounding out the FCO Executive Committee are FCO’s Vice President, Arielle DeBoer of Rosa Flora, Gina Marchionda, Treasurer, from Jeffery’s Greenhouses and Brian Gatcke from Foliera will act in the role of Board Secretary for the next year.
FCO is thankful to all of the FCO Members and other attendees for taking the time to join FCO’s 55th Annual General Meeting. For more information on FCO, please contact Andrew@fco.ca.
Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. is the provincial trade and professional association of the Ontario floral industry serving the floriculture sector and its members, greenhouse floriculture producers, for 55 years. FCO’s mission is to promote the growth and influence of Ontario flower growers by advocating the consumption of flowers at home and abroad, defending business interests at all levels, and promoting excellence in all areas, including research. FCO strives to help growers find solutions in trade, plant biosecurity, research and innovation, human resources, environment, marketing, and risk management. Please visit flowerscanadagrowers.com for more information.
To watch the recording of FCO 55th AGM Click Here
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